Education and research program with the University of the Basque Country

Circular economy, key to decarbonizing industry.

Objective of the education and research program

To analyze the opportunities that the circular economy provides in the industrial field to decarbonize processes throughout the entire value chain. 

Why the circular economy?

The circular economy favors an efficient use of materials and resources, and its progressive implementation will be essential to achieve decarbonization objectives.

Until now we have applied linear production models, i.e., we extract, produce, consume, and dispose. The society in which we live means that the consumption rate is increasing, it is a fast model, but unsustainable for the planet.

The circular economy establishes a more sustainable production and consumption model, in which raw materials are kept in the production cycles for longer and can be used on a recurring basis, thus generating much less waste. As its name suggests, the essence of this model lies in keeping resources in the economy for as long as possible, ensuring that the waste we generate can be used as raw materials for other industries.


Lines of work 2023

  • Recycling plastics.
  • Revaluation of waste as secondary materials.
Work team


  • Charles Pinto, Director of the Bilbao School of Engineering, at UPV-EHU

Work team:

  • Estíbaliz Saéz de Cámara, Director of Sustainability at UPV-EHU
  • Erlantz Lizundia, Professor at UPV-EHU