Conditions of Use

Open Room is a community of leaders in the public and private sector who are interested in a speedy, inclusive, and cost-efficient energy transition that drives technological and industrial development. The purpose of Open Room is to promote rigorous and objective discussion between an informed audience about an energy transition based on competition and technological neutrality in which all decarbonization methods are considered and offered to public decision-makers. The Open Room community is made up of representatives from organizations, leaders in the field of energy, academics, members of the public and private sector, and society in general. Open Room is the evolution of the Repsol Foundation's Energy Transition conference series, creating a space where, from now on, all the information related to past and future events can be consulted, and where, if you so wish, you may contact other people interested in the Energy Transition.

Being a member of Open Room represents being part of a community whose aim is to debate on the Energy Transition through the participation in different events organized on this topic. To do so, we will send you a prior communication, electronically, inviting you to attend each one of the events on the Energy Transition organized by the Repsol Foundation.

Repsol Foundation, entity with Tax Identification Number CIF G-81251860, entered in the Register of Foundations of the Ministry of Culture with number 263, and with registered address at Méndez Álvaro, 44, Madrid, Spain, 28045 (hereinafter “Repsol Foundation”) is the exclusive owner of Open Room as defined in section 7 Copyright and Intellectual Property.

The present Conditions of Use (“Conditions”), regulate the terms and conditions so that you can access and use Open Room through your devices. We recommend you read the present Conditions thoroughly before using Open Room, since its mere use and access implies their unreserved acceptance.

Repsol Foundation reserves the right to modify the Conditions at any time, as well as the features, content, structure, and design of it, or any other element, as well ceasing the use of Open Room, and of certain features, and/or content when it deems it convenient. We recommend you check the Conditions periodically to be informed of the possible modifications that may be made to them.

If any of the present Conditions is declared invalid, void, or for any ineffective cause, said condition shall be deemed to be excluded without such exclusion affecting the validity and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.

1. Scope of application

The present Conditions apply to Open Room users, which means those who access and/or use Open Room, who accept, from that very moment, wholly, and unreservedly, the content included in the Legal Notice and the present Conditions. Therefore, prior to using Open Room, you as a user should thoroughly read the Legal Notice and the present Conditions, as well as the Repsol Foundation Privacy Policy.

2. Use of Open Room, its features, and content

Information, text, graphics, sound and/or image files, photographs, designs, or any other (“Content”), as well as spaces provided to make comments and interact with other users are included on Open Room. They are spaces open to participation, although the Repsol Foundation reserves the right to review the comments received periodically. As a user, you undertake to:

  • (i) Provide accurate and regularly updated information, in the event that it is necessary to complete a login form for certain features which are accessible via Open Room. You shall be solely responsible for false or inaccurate statements or information and for any damage caused.
  • (ii) Use Open Room without violating that which is set out in the Legal Notice and the present Conditions, in addition to the current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses, or public order.
  • (iii) Not to use Open Room for illegal purposes or in any way which may damage the Repsol Foundation or a third party, or which may be detrimental to or prevent its normal operation in any way.
  • (iv) Be respectful with the rest of the users and the Repsol Foundation. Clean language must be used, avoiding rude and/or disrespectful words. Comments/information should be attached to the published Content. Publishing any illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, and/or xenophobic content, falsehoods, insults, and/or misrepresentations is prohibited, and generally any Content that may be offensive and/or harm the Repsol Foundation’s image, as well as natural and/or legal third persons, and/or represent a violation of their rights.

Through Open Room, we provide you with the e-Networking environment, aimed at providing communication between those Open Room members who want to contact other members that are equally interested in the Energy Transition and who have consented to participating and to the use of their data in e-Networking. Through this feature, similar to a website messenger service between users, you will be able to connect with other people interested in the Energy Transition. It is an optional feature that you can activate and deactivate at any time.

The information of each user visible to the rest of the registered users in e-Networking shall be the name, surname(s), organization in which they work, and their position. Under no circumstances will Open Room facilitate users' personal contact data. Messages will be private and individual between users, and will be “end to end” encrypted between users.

We promote the use of Open Room e-Networking with the purpose of expressing and sharing that Content relating to the Energy Transition that may be relevant for its members, but not at the cost of the security and well-being of other people, nor the integrity of our community. You therefore accept to comply with the following requirements in your participation:

  • To always use respectful and moderate language in all exchanges carried out in the e-Networking environment.
  • Always ensure that the information that you are going to share is true and verified, avoiding sharing dishonest, discriminatory, or fraudulent Content.
  • Ensure that the shared Content doesn't infringe the rights of third parties or other persons, such as those relating to copyright and intellectual property or their privacy or image or any other rights.


We inform you that the following conduct is prohibited:

  • Uploading viruses or malicious codes, or carrying out activities that may disable, overload, or alter the proper functioning of Open Room, nor modify its aspect or Content.
  • Using the e-Networking environment to market any good or service.
  • To carry out acts that may negatively affect, and even cause damage to the Content, such as:
  • The reproduction, copying, distribution, circulation, public communication, transformation, or modification of the Content, unless authorized by the rightful owners or it is legally permitted.
  • Any breach of the rights of the Repsol Foundation or of its rightful owners or of any third party.
  • Use of the Content for any type of commercial or publicity purposes, other than those strictly permitted.
  • Any attempt to obtain the Content by any means other than those which are made available to the user, or those usually employed on the Internet; and provided that they in no way cause damage to the Repsol Foundation.


In the event that there is a complaint from any user, we will examine the situation, and if necessary, we may remove or block all Content that doesn't comply with the present provisions. If we remove Content that you have shared due to the non-compliance of our Conditions, we will inform you of this measure and we will explain to you the options you have to request another review,

unless you seriously or repeatedly infringe the Conditions or, if when doing so, we expose ourselves or third parties to legal liability or our user community to harm; or in the cases in which we experience restrictions due to technical reasons, or where we are not permitted to do so because of legal reasons.

To contribute to the correct functioning of Open Room, we recommend you report any Content or behavior that you think infringes your rights (including copyright and intellectual property rights) or our Conditions, Privacy Policy, or Legal Notice by email to

3. Use of links

3.1. Links used by the Repsol Foundation in Open Room

Open Room contains links from which it is possible to access other Websites managed and controlled by third parties. The sole purpose of these links is to help you find information, Content, and services on the Internet. Under no circumstance should they be considered as a suggestion, recommendation, or invitation to visit them from us. The use or access that you carry out through said links is governed by its own conditions of use and is a sole decision and exclusively yours, and you do so under your sole responsibility.

Please note that the Repsol Foundation does not market, direct, control, or claim the Content, services, information, and statements available on these Websites as its own. Consequently, the Repsol Foundation does not accept any responsibility resulting from these Websites because they are not managed by the Repsol Foundation, even though, to keep you informed, Repsol Foundation provides you with access to them through Open Room.

3.2. Links to Open Room by third parties

If you wish to create a link from a Web page on another Internet portal to any of the Open Room pages, you must comply with the following conditions:

  • Ensure that any link to Open Room is only to the Home page or the main pages of the sections. Do not reproduce, in whole or in part, any of the Content.
  • Do not establish deep-links, IMG or image links, or frames with the Open Room pages without the prior written authorization of the Repsol Foundation.
  • Do not include false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements about Open Room (including its Content features), the Repsol Foundation, or Repsol Foundation personnel.
  • Do not include any trademark, name, logo, slogan, or any other distinguishing sign of the Repsol Foundation, unless these form part of the link itself, without their prior and express authorization.
  • The Web page to which the link is established shall not contain information or Content that is contrary to the rights of third parties, illegal, or contrary to morality and accepted community standards or public order.

In any case, we inform you that the inclusion of the link does not imply (i) the existence of a relation between the Repsol Foundation and the owner of the Web page from which the link is created, (ii) the knowledge, acceptance, or endorsement by the Repsol Foundation of the services and Content where offered or (iii) the support or endorsement of the Repsol Foundation for the information and statements made by a third party.

4. Processing of personal data

4.1. Data controller:

Repsol Foundation with registered address at Méndez Álvaro, 44, Madrid, 28045; Categories of data: identifying data (name and surname(s)), contact data (email and telephone), organization to which you belong, position, country that you provide us when you register; as well as those that result from your participation in Open Room; Purpose and legal basis: to manage your registration and participation in Open Room and keeping you informed, by electronic means, about the hosting of future events as part of the Repsol Foundation Energy Transition Community to which you are part of. The legal basis is the execution of your Open Room membership; Storage: as long as you are part of Open Room and, when it expires, for the time-barring of the eventual legal responsibilities of any kind; Data recipients: we do not share data with third parties, except: (I) those required by Law; (ii) our service providers as data processors; Rights: Access, rectification, to object to processing, erasure, and restriction of processing, to cease your membership to Open Room and, for the processing based on our legitimate interest, to request access to the information about the related assessment accomplished. These rights may be exercised through a communication to In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority any time; International transfers: Those arising from our relationship with service providers pursuant to Chapter V of the GDPR; More information: in the Privacy Policy available at

4.2. Cookies and Privacy Policy

Click in the links below to see the Cookies and Privacy Policy of the Repsol Foundation applicable to the use you make of Open Room (including the Content and features):

5. User liability

Your use of Open Room shall be your sole and exclusive responsibility as user. The Repsol Foundation is expressly exempt from any liability for damages caused to the user or to third parties, resulting from a use contrary to that established in the Legal Notice and the Conditions. This liability will extend to the use that you or any third party makes of the login credentials or similar for the access to Open Room, or to any of its Content.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Repsol Foundation reserves the right to refuse, at any moment and without prior warning, access to Open Room to any user who fails to comply with these Conditions and/or Legal Notice or of which it has suspicions, or for security reasons.

6. Warranty and liability disclaimer

The Repsol Foundation offers access to Open Room, as well as its Content with a reasonable level of competence and care, and we hope you enjoy it. However, the Repsol Foundation doesn’t guarantee to the users the availability and continuity of the functioning of Open Room, although it will make reasonable efforts to it.

In addition to the previsions in other sections of the present Conditions, the user accepts that the use of Open Room is carried out under their exclusive responsibility, so the Repsol Foundation shall not be, under any circumstance, responsible for any damage suffered by the user as a result of its access and use.

The Repsol Foundation can't guarantee, nor guarantee the absence of computer viruses in the services and Content that may be provided and published, respectively, by third parties through Open Room, that may cause alterations in its computer system or in the documents and electronic files stored in its computer system.

Open Room will be accessible for an indefinite period, although we may interrupt, suspend, or terminate its provision for several reasons, which we will inform you of, including improper use by you or use contrary to the Legal Notice and the present Conditions.

7. Copyright and Intellectual Property

All Copyright and intellectual property rights on Open Room, the elements that make it up, and the Content of any kind that appears on it, are the property of the Repsol Foundation or of third parties; it may not be construed that the use of or access to the Content confers on the user any right whatsoever beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of Open Room. For any additional use, it will be necessary to request the corresponding authorization to the Repsol Foundation or its owner.

Moreover, the brands, logos, and/or domain names included on Open Room are subject to applicable copyright and intellectual property laws, and their reproduction or use without the permission of the Repsol Foundation or its owner is prohibited.

Any mention of or reference to industrial property rights of third parties included on Open Room implies recognition by the Repsol Foundation of the corresponding copyright and intellectual

property rights of the owners. Their inclusion on Open Room does not imply the existence of any sponsorship or recommendation by the Repsol Foundation of the same. The legitimacy of the copyright or intellectual property rights corresponding to the Content supplied by third parties is the exclusive responsibility of the latter.

The Intellectual property rights of and of Open Room, as well as any of the elements to be considered as work under the Intellectual Property regulations belong only and exclusively to the Repsol Foundation, being the owner of all copyrights and intellectual property rights and, consequently, granting any authorization for the exercise of all activity resulting from the exploitation rights

8. Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

Spanish law shall govern any dispute or conflict deriving from these Conditions or from the use of Open Room or its Content, or relating to any of these, while any applicable conflict-of-law provisions will have no effect. Both the Repsol Foundation and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of your local courts, as long as your residence is in Spain, to solve complaints deriving from these Conditions, or related to them. However, if your residence is located outside Spain, both the Repsol Foundation and you agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Madrid.

Thanks for your interest in Open Room

Version June 2021