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Portugal and Spain are an example of commitment to the energy transition. Additionally, today, there is a strong mutual economic exchange between both countries with a high growth potential. On their side, Iberian local administrations are taking advantage of European Union funds to promote energy transformation, with Porto being an example of permanent evolution.
In this II Luso-Spanish Forum, Fundación Repsol and Fundación Corell address the opportunities for economic transformation and reindustrialization in the face of technological development driven by the Iberian commitment with energy transition.

Joaquim Reis
Director of Fundación Repsol in Portugal
Marcos Basante
Chairman of Corell Foundation
Filipe Araújo
Vice mayor of Porto
Antonio Louro
Managing director of Mercedes-Benz Trucks Portugal
Salvador Galve
Chairman of the European Alliance of Brokers
Sergio José Marques Salgueiro
Director of Operations at ALSA in Portugal
Helena Braga
Researcher and Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Porto
André Garcia de Sá
Professor of the Polytechnic Institute of Guarda
Ana Souta
Managing Director of Associação Nacional de Transportadores Públicos Rodoviários de Mercadorias (ANTRAM)
Paulo Niza
Commercial Director of MEDWAY
Ramón Valdivia
Vice president of the International Road Transportation Association (ASTIC)
Vasco Silva
Director of Leixões Port
Yolanda Moratilla
Professor at the School of Engineering of the University Pontificia de Comillas (ICAI) and researcher of the Rafael Mariño Chair of New Energy Technologies
André Themudo
Director of Black Rock in Portugal