The recent elections to the European Parliament mark a new European political and institutional cycle with the aim of strengthening the economy and competitiveness of the continent, with all the opportunities and challenges that this entails.
This new edition of the Funseam Business Symposium will focus on how the community sphere is facing them from the new comprehensive energy, industry and climate policy and the objectives of climate neutrality and strengthening the competitiveness of the industry.

Antonio Llardén
President of Funseam and Enagás
Antonio Brufau
Chairman of Repsol
Salvador Illa
President of the Generalitat of Catalonia
Enrico Letta
President of the Jacques Delors Institute and former Prime Minister of Italy
Francisco Reynés
President of the Spanish Energy Club
Joan Batalla
Director General of Funseam
Joan Groizard
Secretary of State for Energy of the Government of Spain
Beatriz Corredor
President of Redeia
Manuel Menéndez
President of EDP Spain
Elena Valderrábano
Director of Global Sustainability (ESG) at Telefónica
Josep Sánchez Llibre
President of Foment del Treball Nacional
Maria Teresa Costa
Emeritus Director of the Chair of Energy Sustainability at the UB
Maarten Wetselaar
CEO of Moeve
Marcos Cela
CEO of Molins
Piotr Kuś
Managing Director of ENTSO-G
Abel Enríquez
Director of ENNOH
Carlos Solé
Senior Advisor at KPMG Spain
Mercedes Ballesteros
Director of Energy at CIEMAT
Andris Piebalgs
European Commissioner for Energy (2004-2009) and International Cooperation (2010-2014)
Bruno Gouverneur
Head of Markets and Operations at ENTSO-E
Daniel Fernández
Director of Communications, Institutional Relations, Regulation and Corporate Strategy at ENGIE Spain
Maria Tarrés
Head of Sustainability Strategy at SEAT
Nuria Rodríguez Peinado
Director of Environment, Sustainability and Social Responsibility at Naturgy
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