Thu Feb 20 23:00:00 UTC 2020

Full in-person capacity!
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The Repsol Foundation and EsadeGeo organize the EU Industry and Energy Transition conference, a meeting in which leading experts at the European level analyze the challenges and opportunities facing the industrial sector in the context of the energy transition.

To be successful, the energy transition must be an inclusive process, with participants formulating policies and investment plans that ensure the creation of decent jobs, social justice, industry competitiveness, and economic development in Spain and Europe. 


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Bartosz Nienałtowski

Public Affairs Manager, EUROFER (European Steel Association)

Antonio López Rodriguez

Gerente Sr. Transición energética y cambio climático en Repsol

Marta Camacho

Director of Institutional Relations for Spain and Europe at Repsol

Iván Martén

President of Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness

Javier Solana

President EsadeGeo

Fernando Soto

General Director Association of High Energy Consumption Companies (Spain)

António Calçada

General Manager of Repsol Foundation

Bert De Wel

Senior Advisor, Just Transition Centre, International Trade Union Confederation