El impacto del transporte rodado sobre el consumo de recursos minerales y metálicos


Javier Pérez Rodríguez

Profesor del Departamento de Ingeniería Química Industrial y del Medio Ambiente. Miembro del Grupo de Tecnologías Ambientales y Recursos Industriales.


The impact of road transport on the consumption of mineral and metal resources is a crucial issue, but it has been less explored compared to other environmental impacts such as the carbon footprint. According to the "Global Resources Outlook 2019" report, global extraction of materials has tripled in the last 50 years, accelerating the depletion of these resources.

Impact of the Transport Sector

In 2021, the transport sector accounted for 34.4% of the impact on the consumption of mineral and metal resources in the European Union (EU), being the second most affected sector after electrical and electronic equipment.

Imagen de tráfico rodado


Comparison: Battery electric vehicles vs. internal combustion vehicles

Battery electric vehicles (BEV) could increase the consumption of these resources by between 16% and 50% compared to internal combustion vehicles (ICEV). The battery of BEVs contributes up to 70% of the total impact in its life cycle, which poses significant environmental, economic and social challenges.

Vehicle TypeIncreased Resource ConsumptionBattery Contribution to Total Impact

BEV (electric)

16% - 50% more than internal combustion vehiclesUp to 70% of the total impact in its life cycle

ICEV (internal combustion)

Baseline reference85% of the impact comes from the vehicle's life cycle
Imagen de vehículo eléctricp


The European Union's Response

The European Critical Raw Materials Act identifies 34 critical raw materials, such as lithium, cobalt and nickel, that are essential for the European economy. This law aims to:

  • 🌍Strengthen the European raw materials supply chain.
  • ♻️Promote sustainability and recycling to foster a circular economy.
  • 🛡️Increase resilience by developing strategic reserves.
Imagen sobre economía circular


What to do now?

As electric vehicles become more common, addressing their impacts on mineral and metal resources will be essential to ensure a sustainable and balanced transition.

You can download the full document and find out how the industry is addressing this issue.